SARAWAK Black Peppercorn / Lada Hitam / 砂拉越黑胡椒粒 500g
Black Pepper is the most famous agriculture product in Sarawak.
It is a food additive and a popular spice in the world, appearing in different forms, usually in powder and granules. Dry black pepper is a common spice in dishes. Since ancient times, black pepper has been cherished for its dual value of favoring and medicine.
黑胡椒在果实很青,尚未成熟时采摘下来,暴晒于太阳下使果皮皱缩干萎呈黑褐色,最后变成薄皱的一层,保留胡椒应有的味道,最后得到便是胡椒粒了,口味辛辣浓烈, 味道比白胡椒更为浓郁. 黑胡椒具有典型的木香和松木香,口感麻辣。
1. 无论黑胡椒、白胡椒皆不能高温油炸,应在菜肴或汤羹即将出锅时填加少许,均匀拌入;
2. 黑胡椒与肉食同煮,时间不宜太长以免把它独特的香辣味挥发掉;
3. 胡椒粉可以冷藏短储,胡椒粉应在密封容器中,避免受潮和光照,保存时间也不宜太长。
Brand: Truly Borneo
Net Weight: 500g
Ingredient: Black Peppercorns
Origin from: Sarawak, Malaysia.
Storage tip: Keep airtight after opening. Keep airtight in the fridge. Keep away from moisture, light, and heat.
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